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CrossFit Training


Progressing the Human Condition


At Progress Gyms, we believe in progressing the human condition by becoming a movement to overcome three problems in our society:

1) Increasing obesity rates

2) Highly-processed diets

3) Lack of personal discipline

Our Solutions:

1) Provide a framework of nutrition and fitness education

2) Provide needed accountability to keep you on track

3) Making overall wellness a priority in your life


Our certified personal trainers, nutrition experts, and accountability coaches are dedicated to helping individuals achieve their health and fitness goals. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned athlete, we'll provide you with the tools and guidance you need to succeed.

Gym Equipments

How It Works

The Details...

We are the gym that starts in your mind.

Since 2020, the fitness industry has had a dramatic shift in thinking, and at Progress Gyms, we have a mission to revolutionize the fitness industry by providing access to health and fitness for everyone, regardless of their location. We understand that traditional gym settings may not be suitable for everyone, which is why we offer a range of options to your needs, whether it's brick-and-mortar (in the works) gym or your own backyard.


Our team of experts is committed to creating a personalized framework for you, including workouts, nutrition, and accountability, so you can achieve your fitness goals and progress towards a healthier, happier lifestyle wherever you choose to focus on your fitness! Join us today and discover the difference that Progress Gyms can make in your life!

Personal Training

Achieve your fitness goals with our personalized training programs. Our experienced trainers will guide you through tailored workouts to help you reach your full potential. Get ready to transform your body and improve your overall fitness level.

Virtual Training

Stay connected and motivated with our virtual training sessions. No matter where you are, our trainers will guide you through effective workouts via video calls. Get the benefits of a personal trainer from the comfort of your own home.

Nutrition Consultation

Looking to optimize your fitness performance? Our nutrition experts are here to help! With their advice, you can fuel your body with the right nutrients to support your fitness journey and make healthier choices. Take control of your diet and achieve your fitness goals today.


Stay on track and stay accountable with our dedicated trainers. We will keep you motivated and help you overcome any obstacles that may come your way. With our support, you'll stay committed to your fitness goals.

At Progress Gym, we are committed to providing you with the best fitness experience. Our team of experts is here to help you achieve your goals and transform your life. Contact us today to start your fitness journey.

The Leadership

I have been passionate about personal excellence, fitness, and overall wellness for as long as I can remember. I am out to create a movement of people who feel the same!



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